How to write a resume that passes the document screening

When applying for a position with a company in Japan, you must submit your resume and work history in Japanese.

With the application documents, the applicant will proceed to the document screening process, the first round of interviews, and the second round (final interview).

It is necessary to pass the document screening process in order to proceed to the interview.

In order to pass the screening process, it is necessary to appeal to the company by the application form.

This article explains in detail how to write a resume.

If you are writing a resume for the first time, or if you are a foreigner who does not have a good screening rate, please read this article and use it as a reference.

How to write a Japanese Resume

Any resume format is fine.

Word, Excel, handwritten letters, etc. are all fine.

You can download a resume from the Internet and use it.

Personal information

① Furigana

Write your name in katakana.

Some people write their name in hiragana, but here we will write it in katakana.

The usage of hiragana and katakana of furigana is as follows.

ふりがな:じょんすみす (ふりがながひらがな名前なまえひらがなく)

フリガナ:ジョンスミス (フリガナがカタカナ名前なまえカタカナく)

② Name

Write it exactly as it appears on your residence card or passport.

③ Date of birth

Write the date of birth in the Western calendar.

The Japanese calendar is also acceptable, but the Western calendar is generally used.

〇 1990ねん10がつ20にち ←It is recommended to write in the Western calendar.

× 平成へいせいねん10がつ20にち  ←Western calendar is better than Japanese calendar such as 平成へいせい×ねん

④ Address (Furigana)

Write the address in katakana.

As above, look at the ふりがな/フリガナ and write the address in hiragana or katakana.

⑤ Postal Code

Write the 7-digit postal code (〒123-4567).

The zip code is written on the residence card.

If you want to look it up on the Internet, you can do so here.

⑥ Address

Write your address in Kanji characters.

⑦ E-mail address

Write your e-mail address where company can contact you.

⑧ Telephone number

Write down the telephone number where you can be reached.


Write down the country of citizenship.

Photo for Resume Application

The photo is the most important thing. Use a photo in a suit (with shirt and tie) or formal attire.

Personal attire or clothing that is not appropriate for a resume is not acceptable.

Education and Work Experience

① Academic background

For your educational background in your home country, you only need to write your final educational background (university degree).

Write the year and month of graduation, the university from which you graduated, and the major of your study.

If you attended a university, vocational school, or Japanese language school in Japan, please write that as well.

② Work history

The employment history should include the company you joined and the company you left.

If possible, it would be better if you write what kind of position you held and what kind of work you did at the company.

Engaged in designing automobile parts as a mechanical designer

Detailed job descriptions are written in the skill sheet(職務経歴書), so it is not absolutely necessary to include them here.

To write or not to write is up to you.

When you come to a Japanese company from a foreign company, you should write like this.

You can write 株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ○○へ異動いどう

Licenses and Certifications

Here, you can show your qualifications that can be applied to your job and the knowledge you have learned in training sessions and seminars.

Please write about your qualifications such as JLPT, TOEIC, CAD, IT Passport, and so on.

Reason for application

① Reasons for applying, points that appeal to you, etc.

Write the reason why you applied to this company. Also, write what you can contribute to the company.

Please refer to the following examples of motivation for application.


I have 5 years of experience in Android development.

After working as a developer, I came to Japan in January 2020, which I had been interested in for some time, and studied Japanese at a language school.

将来しょうらいはMobile エンジニアになることを目指めざすために、つねあたらしい技術ぎじゅつとツールを積極的せっきょくてきまなび、習得しゅうとくしております。
In order to become a mobile engineer in the future, we are always actively learning and acquiring new technologies and tools.

I would like to contribute to your company by making use of this experience.


これまで7年間ねんかん、AutoCADやCATIA V5を使用しようして自動車部品じどうしゃぶひん設計せっけいしてきました。
I have been designing automotive parts using AutoCAD and CATIA V5 for 7 years.

Currently, I am a manager in charge of managing projects and training engineers.

I am applying for this position because your company designs a wide variety of parts and I would like to improve my career by designing not only automotive parts but also a wide variety of other parts.

② Commuting time to work

Write the commuting time from your home to the company you applied for.

If you are not sure, you may leave it blank.

③ Dependents (excluding spouse)

This section describes the persons who are dependent on your income.

To put it simply, the number of children you have.

Spouses (husband and wife) are not included.

For example, if your family structure is


Your wife

2 children

then you have 2 dependents (your children).

④ Spouse

Indicate whether or not you have a spouse.

For simplicity, check (Yes) if you are married and (No) if you are unmarried.

⑤ Spousal Support Obligation

This section describes whether or not you are obligated to provide support to your spouse.

Simply put, is your wife (husband) working part-time or not?

For example, if your spouse works less than 100 hours per year as a part-time worker and does not pay health insurance, you are obligated to support your spouse (Yes).

On the other hand, if your spouse works as a full-time employee and the company deducts social insurance, etc., then the spousal support obligation is (no).

⑥ Personal Preference Entry Form

Write down what you are hoping to do.

Write your desired location, desired department, desired job, etc., but do so with an attitude of asking for help.

One thing you should not write too much about is your annual salary.

If you write, “My desired annual salary is 5 million yen,” it does not reflect well on you and may result in rejection.

Annual salary is determined by the company based on your market value, skills, experience, and comparison with other companies.

Of course, annual income is the most important factor, but you will be asked about it at the interview, so you should talk about it there.

Please note that if you mention your annual income during the document screening process, you will be rejected during the document screening process and will not even be able to proceed to the interview in the first place.


summary word written by hand on a transparent board

There is no prescribed format or correct way to write a resume.

However, if you cannot write a resume, it may be assumed that you cannot write documents properly, that you do not have good Japanese manners, or that you cannot write reports.

In that case, it will be judged that you do not have general common sense, and you will not be hired in the document screening.

A resume is an important document to advance to an interview, so to speak, it is a ticket to an interview.

If you want to pass the application screening and proceed to the interview, have a Japanese person check your application.

We not only introduce job openings, but also prepare application documents.

If you need assistance with your job search, please contact us.

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