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Jobs in Japan you can apply for from abroad / 株式会社チェンジジョブ


Job Summary.
We are looking for an engineer to join our team and help us create an organization that maximizes the potential of our engineers.
You will be involved in the development of services according to your area of expertise, while also managing part of the engineering team at Cloudsign, improving the development process, or any of the other tasks listed below.
Eventually, we would like you to be mainly involved in management.

Job Description
We would like to be flexible on the ratio between organizational development and development work, depending on your experience and ambitions.

Translated with (free version)

Back end Engineer

Annual Income 8,000,004 yen - 15,153,084 yen
<Monthly amount>666,667 (173,500) - 1,262,754 yen (328,500)
Working hours/
Management positions or discretionary work system for specialized work (10 hours of deemed working hours per day)
People work at a pace that suits them, such as coming to work at 8:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays / Summer vacation (3 days for employees enrolled at the end of June, 2 days for employees enrolled at the end of July, and 1 day for employees enrolled at the end of August of the year of acquisition) / Year-end and New Year vacations
Any of the following work experience
Experience in managing a team that understands and respects the culture that engineers and designers value.
Experience with back-end technologies and development methods used by Crowdsign
Experience in development organization and process improvement
Experience in managing a team of engineers (regardless of the number of people)
JLPT N1 or higher
Work location
Employee Pension / Health Insurance / Employment Insurance / Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance
We are the only company that accepts applications from overseas residents.
【Our service】
Preparation of application documents
Interview preparation

Visa application support
Travel expenses (paid by the company)
Company housing
Japanese language lessons until work begin
Interview Preparation
Tips for Passing Interviews.
Free interview preparation is available.
【Must Read】
Click here to prepare for the interview