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Jobs in Japan you can apply for from abroad / 株式会社チェンジジョブ


The company provides one-stop total support related to systems to solve customer issues.
In particular, we can provide system operation and helpdesk services.

Responding to inquiries from users regarding business systems
Support for IT-related applications
Escalation of unresolved issues to the responsible department/vendor
User account modification/removal for various systems
Kitting of PC/iPhone
Asset management of IT equipment in general
Server operations
Analysis of inquiry trends, business operations, etc., and proposals for improvement
Creation and reporting of various reports

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Help desk

Salary of 230,000 yen or more + various allowances (position allowance, role allowance, sales allowance, overtime allowance, etc.)
The salary will be determined in accordance with the company's regulations, taking experience and ability into consideration.
Working hours/
9:00~17:30 Rest 12:00~13:00 (Occupation 7.5 hours)
<More than 120 days off per year
Full weekly rest for 2 days (Tuji wish)
Any of the following work experience
<Network construction and operation (EE2 level)
Experience in system operation or helpdesk work, and user inquiries.
Experience in network or server operation

<Leader or above
Experience in system operation or helpdesk work to respond to user inquiries.
More than 3 years of experience in network or server operation
Experience in follow-up of members, task management, training, etc.

<Service Manager Candidate
Project management or team management experience
More than 5 years of experience in network or server design, construction, and operation
Experience in communication with external parties and customers (experience in hearing, coordination, reporting, sharing, etc. with customers)
JLPT N1 or higher
Work location
Social insurance (employment, workers' compensation, health, nursing care, and employee pension)
We are the only company that accepts applications from overseas residents.
【Our service】
Preparation of application documents
Interview preparation

Visa application support
Travel expenses (paid by the company)
Company housing
Japanese language lessons until work begin
Interview Preparation
Tips for Passing Interviews.
Free interview preparation is available.
【Must Read】
Click here to prepare for the interview