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Jobs in Japan you can apply for from abroad / 株式会社チェンジジョブ


We are entrusting the development of "CloudSign", a web-complete electronic contracting service.
In addition to development work for various functions related to electronic contracts, architecture improvement, and security improvement, you will work on technical challenges associated with the growth of the business.

In addition, depending on your experience and ambitions, you may also be involved in management tasks and building an organization of engineers.

Server Side Engineer

Annual fee 5,076,000yen - 11,000,004yen
Monthly amount 423,000(110,100)~916,667yen(238,500yen)
Working hours/
Discretionary work system for specialized work (10 hours of deemed working hours per day)
People work at a pace that suits them, such as coming to work at 8:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays / Summer vacation (3 days for employees enrolled at the end of June, 2 days for employees enrolled at the end of July, and 1 day for employees enrolled at the end of August of the year of acquisition) / Year-end and New Year vacations
Applications from abroad are welcome
University degree or above
Required Skills and Experience
At least 1 year of experience in web application development

Please include your past work and personal activities, including your creativity, commitment, and business contributions, in your resume to increase your chances of passing the application process.
Work location
Social insurance (employment, workers' compensation, health, and employee pension)
We are the only company that accepts applications from overseas residents.
【Our service】
Preparation of application documents
Interview preparation

Visa application support
Travel expenses (paid by the company)
Company housing
Japanese language lessons until work begins
Interview Preparation
Tips for Passing Interviews.
Free interview preparation is available.
【Must Read】
Click here to prepare for the interview